Archive for the ‘IT’ Category

Migrating zfs root on FreeBSD 9

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013

Чтобы не забыть чего и куда, запишу небольшую инструкцию.

Исходные данные: FreeBSD 9-STABLE, root на ZFS (feature flags), один WD5000BEVT, GPT, Intel D2500CCE (т. е. у нас всего две SATA дырдочки)
Задача: Перенести всю систему на два новых WD5000BPKT, ZFS Mirror, ZFS swap volume.


BindTo application filter for ISA Server

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010

For some reason neither 2004 nor 2006 version of Microsoft ISA Server has an option for specifying the public IP address that will be used as the source IP address for outbound traffic (often called one-to-one NAT). Although this feature did appear in TMG Beta 2, not everyone might be able to upgrade. The only solution (besides upgrading to TMG) I could find is a piece of software from Collective Software called IP Binder. And that’s $220 per server. I say that’s a ripoff.

So I wrote an application filter that does just the same. Grab it here: BindTo. Feedback is appreciated.

Допиливаем VirtualBox

Thursday, January 21st, 2010

При выборе системы виртуализации для меня одним из основных критериев была возможность автоматического запуска и останова виртуальных машин при старте и выключении основной системы. Из рассматриваемых кандидатов нативно это умеют делать только Hyper-V и VMWare Server.

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SysAdmin Day

Friday, July 31st, 2009

С праздником!


Sunday, May 17th, 2009
A few bug fixes.
More after ther jump →


Saturday, May 16th, 2009

Ok, so there’s probably a bunch of anti-spam miranda plugins already. I don’t remember any of them to have either dynamic captcha or Bayes filtering, though. And since both have already become quite popular, I figured it was just about time to write one.

More after the jump →