Рабочего пространства много не бывает

May 10th, 2010



2010-06-05 01:13:58

впечатляет! это для работы со звуком? (пульт слева и мониторы намекают :)

2010-06-05 08:33:56

Не. Пульт хоть и брался с работой со звуком на уме, но пока используется просто как усилитель для наушников, ну и как удобная крутилка для громкости :) Да и семерка уж никак не подходит для этого в моем случае (глючный драйвер для ESI Juli@).

А два «лишних» монитора брал ремонтировать. И пока стояли в тестировании я просто не мог не попробовать трехмониторный десктоп :)

2010-06-06 08:09:29

i found the image produced cannot be mounted, any idea why?

I was able to mount HSS-0.942-2.dmg’s img



discovery:/home/xiong/Desktop# dmg2img -i HSS-1.341-install.dmg -o HSS-1.341-install.img

dmg2img v1.6.2 is derived from dmg2iso by vu1tur (to@vu1tur.eu.org)

HSS-1.341-install.dmg –> HSS-1.341-install.img

reading property list, 5529 bytes from address 788551 …


opening partition 0 … 100.00% ok

opening partition 1 … 100.00% ok

opening partition 2 … 100.00% ok

opening partition 3 … 100.00% ok

Archive successfully decompressed as HSS-1.341-install.img

You should be able to mount the image [as root] by:

modprobe hfsplus

mount -t hfsplus -o loop HSS-1.341-install.img /mnt

discovery:/home/xiong/Desktop# mount -t hfsplus -o loop HSS-1.341-install.img /mnt

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,

missing codepage or helper program, or other error

In some cases useful info is found in syslog – try

dmesg | tail or so

discovery:/home/xiong/Desktop# modprobe hfsplus

discovery:/home/xiong/Desktop# mount -t hfsplus -o loop HSS-1.341-install.img /mnt

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0,

missing codepage or helper program, or other error

In some cases useful info is found in syslog – try

dmesg | tail or so

2010-06-06 08:44:24

Mount it this way:

mount -t hfsplus -o loop,offset=5000 HSS-1.341-install.img /mnt

mount is not always able to find the start of the partition in hfs+ image

Martin Nohr
2010-09-09 00:35:29

problem with dmg2img?

I have a compressed dmg. Size is about 700M. Dmg2img creates .cdr file of about 2G. This file will mount on Mac but it is not an ordinary ISO file. If I record as a track on dvd, the dvd will not mount.

If I run Mac hdiutil and changed the dmg file to UDTO format, then the .cdr file is about 700M. This file is a normal ISO file. If recorded on a CD it works correctly.

Why is the dmg2img cdr file 2G?

Is it possible to have dmg2img create an ordinary ISO file that can be recorded as a track on a CD?


2010-09-09 07:09:09

dmg doesn’t have to be a CD image. Neither does converted image with dmg2img.

Can you provide a link to the dmg image you have a problem with, so I could have a look?

Martin Nohr
2010-09-09 19:47:03

It is a CD image. It was designed to be recorded. My software is used to record CD but the master file is in DMG format and my software doesn’t currently work with it. I was looking for a solution that would changed the DMG into a image track file. I can do it with hdiutil, but my software runs on Windows only, so this makes an extra step in the process. I have also tried PowerISO and MagicISO, and DMG Extractor. None of those work correctly either.

I will have to get permission from the owner of the DMG to send you a copy. If I get that, I will send it to you.

Thanks. Martin


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